AGM 2023 save the date + spring cleaning Elsie’s River

Come October, we hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM 2023) to review the year’s activities and begin our planning for 2024/25. This Spring, we have also undertaken several urban upgrade and beautification projects, adding greenery and resurfacing roads in Elsies River to improve the community experience of people living and working in the area.

Save the Date! AGM 2023

Our AGM is coming up. All stakeholders are invited to a review of the year’s activities and planning for 2024/25.

Resolutions presented at the AGM can only be voted for by bonafide members. All non-members wishing to take part must be registered before 13 October.

AGM Details

Tuesday, 24 October 2023, 15:00
Emplast, 40 Sixth Avenue, Elsies River


Road resurfacing for Elsies River

The Elsies River CID management team constantly communicate with all the relevant City of Cape Town departments to ensure that the area gets the attention and services it needs.  Over the last few years, the condition of the roads in the industrial area have been continuously monitored and reported to the Road Infrastructure Maintenance (RIM) branch.  They have the difficult task of planning, coordinating, prioritising and funding road-resurfacing projects for the entire City.  It is not always possible to resurface all roads in an area all at once and therefore, this type of long-term rehabilitation and maintenance often takes place in stages over the span of several years.

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