Become a member of the Elsies River CID NPC

Membership of the SRA, which is a non-profit company registered under the Companies Act, is open to all the registered property owners who are encouraged to apply for membership so that they may exercise their rights to influence the business of the SRA. Membership cannot be denied to a registered property owner and as a member the property owner is entitled to attend, participate and vote at members meetings of the Company held under the auspices of the Companies Act.

Should a member be unable to attend they may give another individual their proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. Non-members may attend and participate at members’ meetings but cannot vote and as such may thus have limited influence on the SRA’s activities.

Membership application forms can be downloaded from the link below – once complete please send the form back to

Click below to download the Membership Application Form


Elsies River CID – Big Brother is watching

It seems that some criminally minded people venture into the Elsies River City Improvement District not realizing that they are being watched by our dedicated CCTV team and that our response vehicles and officers are ready to pounce on any would be criminal who tries to perpetrate a crime in our area.

In the last week, our CCTV cameras and the response from our patrol vehicles and officers meant that two attempted business break-ins were averted.

Spotting people climbing over or through fences in the middle of the night and reacting with our patrol vehicles means they either give up their plans and run away or stubbornly continue and get caught.

As the pictures below show, our cameras are always watching and just when you think you are getting away with it you are caught in the act.

Well done to our public safety team from Zonewatch

SUSPECT ENTERING PREMISES 23H55RESPONSE CATHING THE SUSPECT  WhatsApp Image 2017-07-20 at 00.42.09 WhatsApp Image 2017-07-20 at 00.43.11

We will be expanding our camera network again in the next few weeks with an additional camera near 16th Street and 8th Avenue and we will keep you posted on developments soon.



Overall city water use still exceeding restriction target

The City of Cape Town is calling on residents to intensify their efforts to save water. Overall usage of drinking water is currently approximately 10% higher than the required savings target to prevent drawing dams down to dangerous levels by the end of summer.


The City of Cape Town advises residents that overall water consumption since the imposition of Level 3 restrictions is still 10% above the savings target of 800 million litres per day. In order to protect our water resources, residents have been asked to keep their water consumption over the coming summer months in line with their consumption over winter.


“The start of the hot summer months generally carries with it a spike in water use as residents fill up their pools and use more water in their gardens. If we are to meet our targets, residents will need to cut these activities back to winter levels, or intensify their efforts to save in other areas to keep their consumption in line with how much they used during winter. Approximately 70% of water in Cape Town is used by residential customers, and as such these consumers will have the biggest influence on how secure our future water supplies are”Alderman Ernest SonnenbergCity Mayoral Committee Member: Utility Services


Residents who would like to save water could consider harvesting rainwater or installing a borehole or water-well provided they register these with the City. This investment will also result in savings for residents in the long-run.

In addition to adhering to restrictions, residents can also employ the following tips in their homes:


  • Ensure that washing machines or dishwashers have a full load before running them
  • Rinse dishes and vegetables in a basin of water rather than under a running tap, and reuse the water for pot plants or in the garden
  • Reuse rinse water for the next cycle of washing up
  • Thaw frozen foods in the fridge, at room temperature, in a basin of water, or in a microwave rather than placing them under running water
  • When using taps, don’t let the water run down the drain while waiting for the hot water or for the water to cool. Rather collect the water in a bottle
  • Close the tap when brushing your teeth
  • Plug the sink when shaving rather than rinsing your razor under running water
  • Shower rather than taking a bath – a half-filled bath uses 113 litres of water, while a five-minute shower uses about 56 litres
  • Install a water-saving showerhead, take shorter showers, don’t run the water at full force, and turn off the shower when soaping
  • Reuse bath water in your garden
  • Install a new water-saving toilet
  • Check if your toilet is leaking. Furthermore, residents can place a 2-litre bottle filled with sand into their cistern to reduce the amount of water used with each flush
  • Ensure that gardens do not require large amounts of water to maintain


For more information on water restrictions as well as a more exhaustive list of water savings suggestions, residents can The City will also be advising consumers of restrictions in an insert in their next municipal invoices. We encourage residents to familiarise themselves with these restrictions and display them prominently in their homes.


If residents would like to get clarity on any of the restrictions, they can also view the FAQ document at the link above. If this does not provide an explanation they need they can send an enquiry to Residents who would like to report contraventions by members of the public can do so by contacting the City’s call centre on 0860 103 089, sending an SMS to 31373, or sending an e-mail to


Click here to read and download the formal water restriction notice from the City of Cape Town




The ELSIES RIVER CITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NPC will be hosting a Annuall General Meeting and all stakeholders are invited to a review of the year’s activities and planning for 2017/18.

Date:     31 October 2016

Time:     16:00

Venue:   Emplast, 40 6th Avenue, Elsies River

Resolutions presented at the AGM can only be voted on by bona fide members of the ELSIES RIVER CITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NPC. This membership is available free of charge to all owners of commercial or industrial properties within the ELSIES RIVER CITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SRA footprint, but they must be registered before 17 October 2016.

For further information  please e-mail or call 083 255 7657

Please click here to download the relevant documentation from our AGM page



The ELSIES RIVER CITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NPC will be hosting a Special General Meeting and all stakeholders are invited to a review of the year’s activities and planning for 2016/17.

Date:     25 November 2015

Time:     16:00

Venue:   Emplast, 40 6th Avenue, Elsies River

Resolutions presented at the SGM can only be voted on by bona fide members of the ELSIES RIVER CITY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NPC. This membership is available free of charge to all owners of commercial or industrial properties within the SRA footprint, but they must be registered before 11 November 2015.

For further information  please e-mail or call 083 255 7657

Please click here to download the relevant documentation from our SGM page

Introduction to the ERCID

Dear Elsies River Property Owners and Business People

As a property owner/business owner or member of the community in the Elsies River Industrial Area you are no doubt well aware of the problems in the area. Incidents of crime and grime including homelessness, aggressive begging, informal car guards and general urban degradation are escalating. These problems are of great concern and need to be effectively addressed.

Property owners of adjacent communities have already invested in the future of their areas by establishing their own Special Rating Areas commonly known as city improvement districts. A group of concerned property and business owners has taken the initiative to seek solutions to these problems, and they are appealing for your support in establishing a Special Rating Area (SRA) in the Elsies River Industrial Area. Your participation and support in establishing this SRA, will not only be greatly appreciated, it will also lead to significant upgrading of the public urban environment around your property.

What is a Special Ratings Area (SRA)?

  • A statutory body established under the SRA by-law of the City of Cape Town previously known as a City Improvement District (CID).
  • The SRA is funded by way of an additional rate collected from rate payers by the City of Cape Town and paid to the management board of the proposed Elsies River Improvement District SRA.
  • The additional rate will pay for supplementary municipal services within the defined area such as security, cleansing and other urban upgrade initiatives as described in a business plan.

Why do we need the SRA?

  • It will reduce crime, grime and homelessness though improved management of the area.
  • It will provide a safer, cleaner and friendlier public environment.
  • Public space will be upgraded and property values tend to increase within SRA’s.

 How does it work?

  • ‘Top up’ services will be added to those provided by the City.
  • The additional rate may only be used for services in the designated area as outlined in the agreed business plan.
  • An SRA provides property owners with a direct say in the management of the designated area.

he Elsies River Improvement District Steering Committee

How can I participate or assist?

We are currently seeking your support for the establishment of a Special Ratings Area in Elsies River Industrial. One of the members of the Steering Committee will contact you in this regard.

Need more information?

Click on the links in the left hand column to downloand relevant documents

If you want more information on SRAs and how they work please click and download the Frequently Asked Questions FAQ for SRAs here